2023 Cincinnati Reds Opening Day

By Cincinnati Reds Team Photographer Emilee Chinn

When planning for Opening Day 2023, we started with a meeting with our social media team to go over things we knew we wanted to capture and share. Our list included the grounds crew prepping the field, jerseys hanging in the clubhouse, the Opening Day parade and block party, batting practice, pregame ceremonies, and game time.

In Cincinnati, Opening Day is kicked off with the Findlay Market Parade and a large block party that brings out thousands of people across Reds Country. We knew we wanted to show the amount of people that came out to support the Reds, so after the parade, I was able to make my way to the roof of our Hall of Fame & Museum and get a wide shot of outside the stadium before batting practice.

 I was able to split up the shot list with our photography intern, Gunnar Word. When I was on the field getting pregame photos, he was in the stands getting overalls of the giant American flag spread across center field. Opening Day feels like 3 days in one, but it was a great experience and we were able to get everything we needed between the two of us.


The Team Photo with Ron Vesely